Use "metaphor|metaphors" in a sentence

1. Abstractionistic metaphor, inanimate metaphor, and personification while litote, synecdoche, and frozen metaphors common

2. LyricsSimiles and Metaphors The Bazillions

3. METAPHORS Coffers - 5727 is part of the METAPHORS Coffers line from Armstrong Ceiling Solutions – Commercial

4. I don't understand fishing metaphors.

5. Inanimate metaphor, were the least hyperbole were the Abstractionistic metaphor, and

6. Atheists do not accept metaphors and super naturalism as facts, but theists see metaphors and super naturalism as facts. Dr T.P.Chia 

7. This style uses metaphors, imagery and colourful descriptive language.

8. These transition-metaphors operate at several discursive levels.

9. Boomeranged Metaphors Van Mensvoort May 31st 2009

10. The metaphor that I like to use is the metaphor of the circular mill.

11. I don't have a metaphor.

12. It's a metaphor, see?

13. Metaphor: e.g. chain reaction

14. Metaphors Coffers commercial tiles from Armstrong Ceiling Solutions

15. Lyrics for Similes and Metaphors by The Bazillions

16. The positive metaphors of harmony and strength afforded by the utopianism of the machine aesthetic were countered by negative metaphors of alienation.

17. 1 I can only represent it to you by metaphors.

18. In literature, similes and metaphors are used to Analogize

19. The writer's striking use of metaphor.

20. I get the motivation, I get the metaphors, right?

21. Key Difference – Conceit vs Metaphor Conceit and metaphor are two figures of speech that are often used in literature

22. Metaphor is a common literary device.

23. Bandwidth vs Speed: The Plumbing Metaphor

24. Their central metaphor is a loom.

25. 8 This style uses metaphors, imagery and colourful descriptive language.

26. Contemporaries tried to explain this in terms of Cricketing metaphors

27. However, be careful of creating self-conscious metaphors and similes.

28. Chartwell is a metaphor of its squire.

29. Metaphor, an Analogy is more complex.

30. It is an ominous metaphor, though.

31. Context example: the Analogical use of a metaphor

32. Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor.

33. I hate to hunt down a tied metaphor.

34. It is no less figurative than metaphor.

35. Construction metaphors aptly describe what prosecutors and other trial lawyers do.

36. But networks are not just a scientific metaphor.

37. 1 Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.

38. Tropes include metaphor, simile, metonymy, synecdoche, etc.

39. Because Nishamura uses golf as a metaphor for life.

40. And in a way that's a metaphor for life.

41. The Bible uses sleep as a metaphor for death.

42. The scar metaphor, which runs throughout, never really works.

43. For Kane a poetic metaphor became a literal truth.

44. Bros’s furious rows and mangled metaphors made their Christmas documentary a smash

45. A proverb may also contain similes, metaphors, and other figures of speech.

46. Melvin, our metaphor for the government, starts worrying.

47. Many issues concerning textual metaphor are still disputation.

48. It's a memory, but it's also a metaphor.

49. Metaphor is traditionally as a particular rhetorical device.

50. And in that sense, ballooning is a beautiful metaphor.

51. Popper emphasizes the point with a striking metaphor.

52. Illustrate the concept with a picture, diagram, metaphor, or analogy.

53. The Addresser is the cognitive subject of metaphor construction: 3

54. The argument-as-war metaphor is just ... it's a monster.

55. The essays are well - arranged and enriched by biblical allusions, metaphors and cadence.

56. Those exposed to agent metaphors had higher expectations that price trends would continue.

57. Think of the torturous metaphors and similes that the readers would be spared.

58. He spoke with deliberation, but often in vivid metaphors and with literary references.

59. We discussed the use of metaphor in the text.

60. This is the key difference between Conceit and metaphor.

61. This is the metaphor gone beyond hyperbole into simile.

62. Metaphor and irony juxtapose meanings: harmonious, contrasting, or conflicting.

63. Of course, Raskin did not use a munitions metaphor.

64. He recollected Cronshaw's whimsical metaphor of the Persian carpet.

65. “Babylon” uses a neat history metaphor to describe a relationship

66. 6 He uses the metaphor of fire to represent hatred.

67. They take iconic and commonplace elements from modern material culture to create new social metaphors.

68. Metaphor, it turns out, is the key to making computers comprehensible.

69. 23 In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.

70. Metaphors are seen as the result of processes of analogical reasoning between knowledge domains.

71. 5 These are metaphors of battle,[] struggle and the survival of the fittest.

72. There are only so many metaphors any choreographer can come up with for anomie.

73. In literature, similes and metaphors are used to analogize. The poet Robert Burns Analogizes …

74. He is explaining -- sometimes elliptically, Aphoristically, through metaphors, jokes and old folk wisdom -- why

75. Atheological feminists seek to reveal new metaphors and symbols that reflect the equality of

76. A whole story can be an Allegory, and be made up of many metaphors.

77. Allegorizing is not the right term, metaphor would be better

78. I was hoping for less metaphor, more longitude and latitude.

79. In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.

80. Geographical paralysis becomes a bitter metaphor for their entire existence.